Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ma dernière semaine à Nouméa!

This past month has been such an adventure! So many firsts in so many ways. I remember thinking at the start that my ambition was going to bite me in the butt - I just couldn't see how I'd be able to manage! I don't really feel proud of myself very often, but looking back, I do feel really happy that I challenged myself this way - language, medicine, loneliness and independence. One of the lessons I've learnt is to ask for help. It's very humbling to see the kindness of friends when you're in need. I have so many people to thank for the guidance, help, conversation, insight and laughter over this month.

In my last couple of days in Nouméa we went to watch 'Les Seigneurs' in a beachside pop-up cinema that was literally just around the corner from my place.

N and H

Visited the (kanaky) Tjibaou Cultural Centre, esp renowned for its interesting architecture

Played pétanque for the first time and had a taste of the obligatory matching aniseed liqueur, 'pastis'. It's a wonder how the french version of lawn bowls became so popular amongst young frenchies - i think this is aided by the fact that drinking makes you better at the game, haha. We played in 2 teams where each person bowls 2 'boules' as close to the red ball as possible, and at the end the team who bowled the ball that is the closest to the red ball gets the points for that round. The winning team gets as many points as they have balls that are closer to the red ball than the other team's closest ball.  This pitch is lit up every night - every time we passed it previously there were always ~3 pétanque games happening at the same time. pretty sweet spot considering it's just by the beach! 

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